Sideline Basic Information

Sideline Basics 2023

Become a FHN Jr. Huskies Cheerleader! Our sideline season is approaching. We look forward keeping traditions, starting new ones and expanding the skills of our youth.

We support as many athletic events as possible and promote a positive game-day atmosphere for Forest Hills Youth Football League (FHYFL)  in tackle and flag football.

Our job as a parent, coach or athlete is to facilitate a fun learning experience and to lead by example. Being volunteer-based, we rely on parents donating their time and talents to make this organization successful. Want to get involved? Send us note at


Husky Pups are athletes that are entering 3rd and 4th grades in the FALL of 2023 in the Northern School District – Ada Vista, Collins and Meadowbrook elementary schools.

Husky Pack are athletes that are entering 5th and 6th grades in the FALL of 2023 in the Northern School District – Northern Trails 5/6.

Husky Elite are athletes that are entering the 7th and 8th grades in the Fall of 2023 in the Northern School District – Northern Hills Middle School.

Program Practices begin on August 14th, 15th, and 16th and run from 10 am-Noon. Practice is mandatory.  Cheerleading is a team sport. If your athlete misses practice, it impacts the team, especially if the team is stunting during that practice.

When school begins, practices will be after school. Husky Pups, Husky Pack, &  Elite will all practice twice a week with an additional tumbling opportunity one night a week. Tumbling is an extra fee with more information to come.

Specific kick-off, practice, and game locations and times are available on the team calendar. This calendar will also be sent to you after registration. 

Jr. Huskies Cheerleading supports as many athletic events as possible and promotes a positive game-day atmosphere for Forest Hills Youth Football League (FHYFL). Our game schedule is determined by FHYFL and is published the Sunday evening for that week.

Husky Elite have games every Wednesday night when the season starts. Husky Pack and Husky Pups have Saturday games.

Specific kick-off, practice, and game locations and times are available on the team calendar. This calendar will also be sent to you after registration. 

In addition to regular practices, games, and Homecoming, there are events that each group has additional opportunities to participate with an extra fee: tumbling on one weeknight for Husky Pack and Elite, Robinettes Feild Trip, FHN Cheer Clinic, team, and individual photos.

Specifics will be posted July 1, 2023.

 Required: Poms, shell, skirt, jacket, bag, bow, black lollies, black high neck, long sleeved body suit, white no show socks, white cheer shoes and black yoga pants.

Spirit shirt, shell, skirt, jacket, bag, poms and bow are included in fees. All other uniform items (black lollies, black high neck long sleeved body suit, white no show socks, white cheer shoes, black yoga pants) need to be purchased by the first practice. More information on these additional items that need to be purchased will be available on the login section once you are registered.

Sizing: When measuring it’s best to have a friend help since it’s difficult to get accurate measurements by yourself.

It is important to wear lightweight clothing with a standard sports bra as an undergarment when you are getting measured. Bulky clothing, like fleece and denim, can distort the measurements and lead you to the wrong size.

Use a flexible measuring tape when taking body measurements.

  1. Chest—To measure the chest, slide the tape underneath the arm, and wrap the tape around the body, going over the fullest part of the bust. Pull the tape taut – not tight!
  2. Waist—To measure the waist, wrap the tape around the waist at the belly button. You should always measure at this point even if the garment is intended to be worn lower on the hips or at the natural waist. All garments are fit with natural waist placement in mind, then adjusted according to desired styling and fit.
  3. Hip—To measure the hip, it is best if the person turns to the side with feet shoulder width apart so you can be sure you’re measuring around the fullest part of the hip. Once again, you’ll just wrap the tape around the hips, going over the fullest or widest part and pulling the tape taut, not tight.
  4. Inseam—For an accurate inseam measurement, place the tape on the crotch seam and measure to the hem. The inseam represents the measurement of the actual garment, not the body. Inseam lengths may vary.

Adult Sizing Chart


Youth Sizing Chart

Code of Conduct, Physical and MHSAA (7/8 graders only), Photo Release, and Concussion forms are due at the time of registration. All forms are to be completed before registration is complete.